Focus is having the unwavering attention to complete what you set out to do. There are a million distractions in every facet of our lives. Telephones and e-mail, clients and managers, spouses and kids, TV, newspapers, and radio the distractions are everywhere and endless. Everyone wants a piece of us and the result can be totally overwhelming.
Reflect and experiment until you find the right combination of motivators for your personality and your personal goals. I'll leave you with this final motivating quote
Commit the plan to paper and then keep it with you at all times.
More DetailWhat do I really want? What does success look like to me? Why do I want a particular thing? How will this achievement change my life? How can I use this success to make a difference for others?
If success is a process with a number of defined steps, then it is just like any other process.
More DetailCommit your decision to paper, just to bring it into focus. Then, go for it!
More DetailWithout clarity, you send a very garbled message out to the Universe. We know that the Law of Attraction says that we will attract what we focus on, so if we don't have clarity, we will attract confusion.
This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.
The most essential aspect of a team is the ability to grow with experience in terms of understanding and skill.
Let success motivate you. Find a picture of what epitomizes success to you and then pull it out when you are in need of motivation.
“Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones.”
“This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.”
“This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.”
“This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.”
“This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.”
One of the main areas that I work on with my clients is shedding these non-supportive beliefs and replacing them with beliefs that will help them to accomplish their desires.